He had been dreaming about it since 2019 when he finished at the 3rd place of the competition in Antwerp, Raimonds Tomsons did it and became, on February 12th in Paris the 17th World's Best Sommelier. Although the French country, which organises the competition, came in large numbers to support its candidate Pascaline Lepeltier, it was on the 4th step that the sommelier lost out to the 3 finalists: Raimonds Tomsons, Best Sommelier of Europe 2017, Latvia, Nina Jensen, Denmark, both already finalists in the 2019 World Competition, and Reeze Choi, China. Candidates under pressure The ASI... Read more
Le Mondial des vins blancs - Strasbourg 2020 les 18 et 19 octobre 2020 Le Mondial des vins blancs Strasbourg entame sa dernière ligne droite avant le Jour J. Dernière semaine pour s'inscrire !...
Alternate of David Biraud several times, the Best Sommelier of France 2010 won the selection that pitted him against Dominique Laporte. In Cyprus, next November, he will live his first international...
More and more women sommeliers are practising this fascinating profession, holding the keys to prestigious cellars around the world. Self-assured, they excel in sommelier competitions and form a...
The three most experienced sommeliers, Gaëtan Bouvier, Micael Morais and Yann Satin, were gathered to compete in the final round of events. And so it was the Best Sommelier of France 2016 who won the...
If it were necessary to prove that sommellerie occupies a special place in Mauritius, the presence of the Minister of Tourism and three hundred spectators to attend the final is in itself...
Because 50 years are celebrated only once, SommelierS International had to be present for this great event in the sommellerie world. For its anniversary, Association de la Sommellerie...