Hotel Le Cep***** continues its tireless commitment to excellence and remains constantly in search of innovation to satisfy its loyal clientele, eager for discoveries and unique experiences!
This time, it's cigar enthusiasts who will be delighted by the latest creation: a new exclusive space dedicated to the world of cigars and rare spirits: Le Paradis. A cocoon nestled in the heart of the magnificent half-timbered courtyard of Thiroux de Saint Félix, dating back to 1570, opposite the Caveau Saint Felix dedicated to tastings of 1,200 Burgundy wine appellations. To foster authentic moments of sharing, an outdoor lounge has been created under the gallery, offering a comfortable space to connect these two exceptional places. “Nothing has been left to chance, and I wanted to create a charming, intimate, and comfortable space to bring together smokers and non-smokers, protected from passive smoke, odorless, without drafts, and without noise. Everyone can thus live and share the best of their passions!” declares Jean-Claude Bernard, owner and CEO.
The cigars, carefully selected from various regions such as Cuba, Honduras, the Dominican Republic, and Nicaragua, offer a palette of flavors and varied taste profiles. Each region has its own traditions and manufacturing techniques, reflected in the final product. A delight for the most demanding palates.
An impressive collection of over 120 references of Chartreuses (Tarragone, VEP, Fabiola, 9th centenary, Episcopale, Santa Tecla...), Fines and Marcs de Bourgogne, Whisky (Michel Couvreur, Glenmorangie Tuiga 25 years,...), Porto Rouge Colheita Alto Corgo 1900, Cognac Louis XIII, Rum El Dorado LAST CASK 2000, ZACAPA XO, as well as a unique selection in France of Madeira, including the oldest vintage cuvée 1850 which has aged for over 172 years in oak barrels.
The Cigar Lounge is open to hotel guests, locals from Beaune, cigar enthusiasts, and members of the Saint-Félix Club. With 12 seats, it can be privatized.
The hotel now also offers master classes dedicated to wine, tobacco, and rare spirits, as well as themed tastings.
Also, don't miss the opportunity, during the upcoming Olympic Games, to taste some bottles from the Chartreuse collection stamped Grenoble-1968, Albertville-1992, or Turin-2006...