He had been dreaming about it since 2019 when he finished at the 3rd place of the competition in Antwerp, Raimonds Tomsons did it and became, on February 12th in Paris the 17th World's Best Sommelier. Although the French country, which organises the competition, came in large numbers to support its candidate Pascaline Lepeltier, it was on the 4th step that the sommelier lost out to the 3 finalists: Raimonds Tomsons, Best Sommelier of Europe 2017, Latvia, Nina Jensen, Denmark, both already finalists in the 2019 World Competition, and Reeze Choi, China. Candidates under pressure The ASI... Read more
Contest ArgentineElyse Lambert wins first edition of APAS–ASI Contest of Best Sommelier of the Americas Argentina 2009A young Canadian won the first ever contest of Best Sommelier of the Americas,...
Concours MJSF France Concours du Meilleur Jeune Sommelier de France : Trophée Duval-Leroy Jonathan...
Sélections Concours Mondial FranceDavid Biraud a représenté la France au mondial chilienÀ 37 ans, le sommelier du Crillon voit sa persévérance récompensée: il a représenté l’Union de la...
Meilleur Ouvrier de France Sommelier EvianMOF Sommeliers 2007 : les 3 lauréats sont membres de l'Association des Sommeliers Lyonnais Rhônes Alpes (UDSF)La troisième promotion des Meilleurs Ouvriers...
A.S.I. BordeauxVINEXPO accueille l’assemblée générale de l’Association de la Sommellerie Internationale (ASI) L’Association de la Sommellerie Internationale (ASI) réunira son assemblée générale à l’...
Association de la Sommellerie Professionnelle Italienne ItalyFind the error...In the most recent issue of SommelierS International (n° 125) an error unfortunately appeared amongst the articles about...